50 Strategy Tricks – 1. Advanced Pawn
Description: 1. Advanced Pawn – means if it enters the opponent’s territory, or reaches the fifth or higher rank. Advanced pawns can be very powerful weapons that are often underestimated by inexperienced players. Furthermore, the advanced pawn also creates tactical motives, as we see in the next examples. The attacker can sacrifice the bishop for the g6/b6 pawn if he is having advanced h6/a6 pawn and then quickly promote the h6/a6 passed pawn already.
1. Advanced pawns are easy to be created on the board and fun, but don’t forget that the further they go, the weaker they may become. Always make sure that advanced pawn is well-protected.
2. Advanced pawns are the most dangerous in the endgames. They can suddenly become passed pawns and slip away, while the opponent has limited pieces to take care of them.
3. Before generating an advanced pawn into strategy point make sure that you have enough resources to attack the opponent’s pawns that will be blocking your advanced pawn.
Duration: 29 minutes and 45seconds
Level: Expert 2000-2299
Category: Middlegame part and Endgame part – 50 Strategy Tricks – 1. Advanced Pawn