5 most beautiful checkmates
Description: Analyzing attacking situations out of 5 games between me and:
Georgi Tzekov, Tesla37, Nino Batsiashvilli, Ana Benderac and Sergey Grigoriants.
You can find out different kind of checkmates used by creativity of my opponents and me. The final checkmate could happen by queen, rook, pawn, bishop and knight possibility. Most of the final moments more or less are connected by sacrificing a piece and creating a mating net. Very often some opening mistakes could help about attacking, especially when the king is still staying in the center. Following my games you can start using your imagination and hope so they will be little part of your inspiration for improving your chess skills at all!
Duration: 17minutes and 33seconds
Level: Advanced 1700-2000
Category: Middlegame part – Analyzing of the 5 most beautiful checkmates